Curriculum Vitae

James Bryant Reeves
Texas State University
Department of English
San Marcos, TX 78666


  • 2023–Present, M.A. Literature Program Director, Texas State University

  • 2024–Present, Associate Professor of English, Texas State University

  • 2018–2024, Assistant Professor of English, Texas State University

  • 2017–2018, Visiting Assistant Professor in English, Franklin & Marshall College


  • 2016, Ph.D., English, UCLA
    Dissertation: "Unbelief: Atheism in the Literary Imagination, 1690–1810"
    Committee: Professors Felicity Nussbaum (chair), Helen Deutsch, Saree Makdisi, and Margaret Jacob

  • 2014, M.A., English, UCLA

  • 2010, M.St., English, University of Oxford (St Edmund Hall)

  • 2008, B.A., English, Texas Tech University


  • Godless Fictions in the Eighteenth Century: A Literary History of Atheism. Cambridge University Press, 2020.

    • Shortlisted for the American Academy of Religion’s Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion (Textual Studies; 2021)

    • Genealogies of Modernity End of Year Booklist (2020)

    • Positively reviewed in Eighteenth-Century Studies, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, the Times Literary Supplement, SEL Studies in English Literature 1500–1900, Horizons, and CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries


  • “Antislavery Literature and the Decline of Hell.” Eighteenth-Century Studies 53.4 (Summer 2020): 571–87.

  • “Unbelief and Sympathy in Shelley and Hogg's Letters to Ralph Wedgwood.” Keats-Shelley Journal 65 (2016): 41–52.

  • “Untimely Old Age and Deformity in Sarah Scott’s Millenium Hall.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 27.2 (Winter 2014–5): 229–56.

  • “Posthumous Presence in Richardson's Clarissa.” SEL Studies in English Literature 1500–1900 53.3 (Summer 2013): 601–21.


  • “Religion” in Oliver Goldsmith in Context. Eds. David O’Shaughnessy and Michael Griffin. Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming 2024.

  • “What is the historical role of atheism in literature and the arts?” in Atheism in 5 Minutes. Ed. Teemu Taira. Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing, 2022.

  • Review of Rethinking the Secular Origins of the Novel: The Bible in English Fiction 1678–1767 by Kevin Seidel (Cambridge University Press, 2021), for Studies in the Novel 53.4 (2021): 435–438.

  • “Godless Fictions in the Eighteenth Century.” Interview for the New Books Network. Hosted by Carrie Lynn Evans. June 28, 2021.

  • “Race and Religious Joy.” The Eighteenth-Century: Theory and Interpretation 61 (Summer 2020), online supplement on “Scholarship in a Time of Crisis.”

  • “Imagining Atheism.” 1584: Academic Perspectives from Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press, 2020.

  • “Interview with Dr. James Reeves, Assistant Professor of English.” ASECS Graduate Student Caucus Interview Series.


  • 2021–Present, BYU Humanities Center “Spirituality and Imagination” Research Group

  • 2021, College of Liberal Arts Achievement Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activity (Texas State University)

  • 2021, Texas State Alumni Association Teaching Award of Honor

  • 2019, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Scholar (NEH Summer Seminar on “Religion, Secularism, and the Novel”)

  • 2016–2017, Graduate Division Dissertation Year Fellowship (UCLA)

  • 2015–2016, English Department Dissertation Fellowship (UCLA)

  • 2015, Leeds Hoban Linacre College (Oxford) Exchange Fellowship

  • 2014–2015, Graduate Research Mentorship with Felicity Nussbaum

  • 2015, Department International Travel Award (UCLA)

  • 2014, Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies Travel Grant (UCLA)

  • 2013–2014, Mellon Pedagogy Seminar and Fellowship (UCLA)

  • 2013, Graduate Summer Research Mentorship with Helen Deutsch

  • 2012, Graduate Summer Research Mentorship with Felicity Nussbaum

  • 2011–2012, UCLA Alumni Scholarship

  • 2011–2012, UCLA University Fellowship


  • “Hymns of Doubt: Christianity’s Communal Unbelief.” BYU Humanities Center: Spirituality and Imagination Symposium. Provo, UT. October, 20, 2023.

  • “The Postsecular Eighteenth Century.” Panel Chair. BSECS. St. Hugh’s, Oxford. January 9, 2020.

  • “Ironic Religiosity: Swift and Secularization.” ASECS. Denver, CO. March 23, 2019.

  • “Abolition’s Afterlife: Redrawing Hell’s Borders.” MWASECS. Sioux Falls, SD. October 12, 2018.

  • “Feeling, Sympathy, and Sentiment in the Romantic Period.” Panel Chair. MWASECS. Sioux Falls, SD. October 12, 2018.

  • "Swift and Sheet-Caking: Teaching Eighteenth-Century Satire." ASECS. Orlando, FL. March 22, 2018.

  • "The New Secular Studies." Panel Chair. ASECS. Orlando, FL. March 22, 2018.

  • "William Cowper's Fragile Faith." ASECS. Minneapolis, MN. April 1, 2017.

  • “Shelley, Sympathy, and Unbelief.” International Conference on Romanticism. Antlers Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO. October 20, 2016.

  • "William Cowper's Hymn of Unbelief." CSECS. Coast Plaza Suites, Vancouver, British Columbia. October 16, 2015.

  • "Grotesque Femininity from Medusa to Modernity." Panel Respondent. Friends of English Southland Conference. UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. June 5, 2015.

  • "Untimely Old Age and Deformity in Sarah Scott's Millenium Hall." David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies XV. The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. December 11, 2014.

  • “Untimely Old Age and Deformity in Sarah Scott’s Millenium Hall.” ASECS. Williamsburg Lodge, Williamsburg, VA. March 20, 2014.


  • Religion, Spirituality, and Secularization

  • Mythology

  • The Enlightenment

  • Romanticism

  • Satire, Poetry, and the Early Novel

  • Critical Theory

  • Science Fiction

  • Shakespeare and Milton


  • 2024, The Postsecular Eighteenth Century (Graduate Seminar)

  • 2024, British Romanticism (Graduate Seminar)

  • 2023, What is Enlightenment? (Graduate Seminar)

  • 2023, Studies in Mythology: Creation to Apocalypse

  • 2023, Philip K. Dick

  • 2023, Studies in Mythology: Creation to Apocalypse

  • 2023, The (Comic) British Novel

  • 2022, Studies in Mythology: Creation to Apocalypse

  • 2022, The Early Novel (Graduate Seminar)

  • 2022, British Literature of the Restoration and AugustanPeriods, 1660–1750

  • 2022, British Literature from 1785

  • 2022, Jonathan Swift

  • 2022, Critical Theory For English Majors

  • 2021, Antislavery Literature in 18th-Century Britain (Graduate Seminar)

  • 2021, Critical Theory for English Majors

  • 2021, The Development of English

  • 2021, The British Novel

  • 2021, Critical Theory: “Alienation: An Out-of-This-World Course on Critical Theory”

  • 2020, Studies in Mythology: Creation to Apocalypse

  • 2020, Satire from Swift to SNL

  • 2020, Comedy, Cruelty, and 18th-Century Satire (Graduate Seminar)

  • 2020, Studies in World Literature

  • 2020, The British Novel: Terrifying Tales and Novelistic Fiction

  • 2019, The Postsecular Eighteenth Century (Graduate Seminar)

  • 2019, British Literature, 1750–1800

  • 2019, The British Novel: What Makes Novels Novel?

  • 2019, British Literature since 1785

  • 2018, Introduction to College Writing

  • 2018, British Literature of the Restoration and Augustan Periods, 1660–1750

  • 2018, Eighteenth-Century Outcasts

  • 2018, Revolution and Romanticism: The Radical Nineteenth Century

  • 2018, Science Fiction

  • 2017, The Global Eighteenth Century

  • 2017, Satire from Swift to SNL

  • 2014, Shakespeare

  • 2014, Critical Reading and Writing: "Unlikely Heroes"

  • 2013, Literatures in English, 1700–1850

  • 2013, Critical Reading and Writing

  • 2013, Literatures in English to 1700

  • 2012, Literatures in English, 1700–1850

  • 2011, Rhetoric and Composition


  • 2023–Present, Texas State English Department Director of Graduate Studies and M.A. Literature

  • 2023–Present, Texas State English Department Therese Kayser Lindsey Scholarship Committee

  • 2023–Present, Texas State English Department Graduate Studies Committee

  • 2023–Present, Texas State English Department IA/TA Hiring Committee

  • 2023–Present, Texas State English Department M.A. Literature Committee Chair

  • 2023–Present, Gamers of Texas State (Student Club) Faculty Sponsor

  • 2018–Present, Texas State English Department Sophomore Literature Committee

  • 2018–Present, Texas State English Department Library Committee

  • 2022–2023, Texas State English Department Children’s Literature Hiring Committee

  • 2021–2022, Texas State English Department ENG 3301 Revision Committee

  • 2021–2022, Texas State English Department Curriculum Review Assistant to the Chair

  • 2021–2022, Texas State English Department 19th-Century Literature Hiring Committee

  • 2021, Texas State English Department Travel Funding Committee

  • 2020–2022, Needle Artists of Texas State (Student Club) Faculty Sponsor

  • 2020–2022, Renegade Roses Rugby Supporters (Student Club) Faculty Sponsor

  • 2019–2021, Texas State English Department Curriculum Review Sub-Committee (Co-Chair)

  • 2018–2021, ASECS “The Dr. Is In” Early-Career Mentoring Committee

  • 2019–2020, Texas State English Department Writing Center Co-Director Hiring Committee

  • 2018, South Dakota Humanities Council Independent Evaluator for the annual Conference of the Midwestern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies

  • 2017–2018, Franklin & Marshall English Department Arleen "Cookie" Faust Prize for Humor Writing Selection Committee

  • 2014–2016, UCLA English Department Eighteenth Century/Romantics Working Group (Co-Chair)

  • 2013–2014, UCLA English Department Form and History Pedagogy Committee

  • 2013–2014, UCLA English Department Mentorship Program for New Teaching Assistants (Mentor)


  • Fiction writing

  • Basketball

  • Songwriting

  • Video game design